Everyone imagines being able to time travel but since we don’t have a clever blue box, what can we do? We can build our own pan-dimensional surfboard and ride the waves of the time vortex! Don’t have a handy nuclear power plant to fuel your surfboard or the alien tech to build one in the first place? Why not knit your own version. You may not be able to travel in time, but you will look fabulous in the present.

This asymmetric crescent is knit sideways using two contrasting colors in a series of alternating lace and texture patterns connected by slipped stitch stripes. The shawl is finished with a knitted-on edging. You will never get bored with this project. The pattern is suitable for the adventurous knitter to intermediate knitter. Skills required: basic stitches, simple lace, two color stripes, knitted-on edging.

Spring and summer are perfect times for shawl knitting. Whether you are at a sporting event, a barbecue, or lounging at the beach, you are going to want to have a knitting project with you. The only thing that can make summer knitting better is a chance to win fabulous prizes. Yes, you heard it right. Prizes!
Dawn of Fairy Tale Knits and I are hosting a pan-dimensional, galaxy-hopping summer knit-along for Pan-dimensional Surfboard shawl. Here is what you can expect. You Whovians out there will realize that Pan-dimensional Surfboard pattern derives its name from the Boom Town episode of Doctor Who. Every stitch pattern in the shawl and every one of Dawn’s colors has a Doctor Who story to tell.

Each week I will explain the inspiration for a section of the KAL, Dawn will share about the inspiration of one of the Who-themed colorways, and I will suggest a Doctor Who episode that ties in with that section in some way for a watch-along for those who are interested. So we can spend our time doing what we do best, knitting and enjoying the company of other Doctor Who geeks. And along the way, there will be random prizes awarded. You know you want to join us so hop over to my Ravelry group for the full scoop. It promises to be a fantastic summer!
Use coupon code PDS-KAL for a 20% discount on the pattern between now and 30 June 2019.