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Today is Monday, isn’t it?

Ever felt that the old cliche “when it rains, it pours” had a lot of truth to it? We are definitely having a downpour at my house. In the last few weeks, we have had a number of things break or need repair in some way or the other(printer, laptop, phone). But this morning the pouring really started. I should have known that this would be an interesting Monday, when I woke with the theme song to Marvin the Tap Dancing Horse stuck in my head. But the day got more interesting quite quickly.

My hubby left for work at his usual and I sat down to the computer to check email and Ravelry while drinking my coffee. Fifteen minutes later, I heard my husband opening the door. I rushed downstairs wondering what he had forgotten. I asked what was wrong, he said he had crashed the car. Of course, my brain was not caffeinated thoroughly enough to process that sort of information that early. When comprehension finally hit, I panicked and showered him with about a thousand rapid-fire questions. Seems that a deer decided to play chicken with my hubby’s car this morning.

Thought you might like to see what happens when deer meets windshield. If you look closely, you can see the fur on the glass

It is raining here – literally and not just metaphorically, which is why the roof of the car has a bright blue tarp on it.

That big gaping hole is where my hubby was sitting.

He said it happened so fast that he didn’t even have time to break. The deer was apparently trying to jump over the car from a little hill on the side of the road. The good news is that my hubby wasn’t hurt. Thanks be to God. And that the windshield took the brunt of the collision so there is no body damage to the car.

This really doesn’t bode well for the rest of the week. I told my hubby that this was a really silly way to get to drive my Jeep to work and to keep my from going to buy the next book in the series that I am reading. I hope he just asks next time.


  1. anxiousdog says:

    Good gracious! I’m so happy he wasn’t hurt! I didn’t think it would look so horrible… but then it was a deer…

  2. anxiousdog says:

    Good gracious! I’m so happy he wasn’t hurt! I didn’t think it would look so horrible… but then it was a deer…

  3. Daisy says:

    I’m so glad he’s OK, that looks seriously scary. You definitely have much scarier size animals than we have here!

  4. Daisy says:

    I’m so glad he’s OK, that looks seriously scary. You definitely have much scarier size animals than we have here!

  5. Aunt Kathy says:

    Ha my husband would have asked me where the deer was, he loves venison, so glad your husband wasn’t hurt

  6. Aunt Kathy says:

    Ha my husband would have asked me where the deer was, he loves venison, so glad your husband wasn’t hurt

  7. Mary says:

    Oh My. I saw that picture and my mouth dropped open. I am so glad your hubby is ok. I have to watch closely for deer around here too.
    They have even been in our back yard.

  8. Mary says:

    Oh My. I saw that picture and my mouth dropped open. I am so glad your hubby is ok. I have to watch closely for deer around here too.
    They have even been in our back yard.

  9. Kay-From the Back Yard says:

    Having been the recipient of a deer on the front of my car, I can empathize. Glad he’s okay.

  10. Kay-From the Back Yard says:

    Having been the recipient of a deer on the front of my car, I can empathize. Glad he’s okay.

  11. kadezmom says:

    Wow. I’m glad you are okay…and sorry it’s pouring your way.

    Life is like that, isn’t it. Hey. At least you get a good story out of it!

  12. kadezmom says:

    Wow. I’m glad you are okay…and sorry it’s pouring your way.

    Life is like that, isn’t it. Hey. At least you get a good story out of it!

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