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Winter Blossoms


This lovely blossom is more commonly known as Winter Honeysuckle. As you can see it is a favorite of the bees who were being a bit uncooperative during my photo session. Its creamy, white blooms smell positively, delightful and fill the cool winter air with an intoxicating jasmine-like aroma. But my mother, and her mother before her, always called it Kiss-Me-At-The-Gate. My favorite part of winter was always when the Kiss-Me-At-The-Gate bloomed. We had several plants along the drive and the fragrance would linger in our car for several minutes after we had driven away. Normally, the evergreen plant will be literally covered with the delicate blossoms. Sadly, the drought this year was hard on my plant – my mother rooted this one for me. I was afraid that the lack of water might have killed it but it is a hardy little plant and it provided me with a few blossoms to enjoy just to remind me that it wasn’t ready to give up the ghost – yet. Hopefully, the rains that we are getting now will revive it and with a little TLC this spring, it will again thrive.

I have added a contest to the Tabitha’s Heart blog relating to winter blossoms. Check it out if you have a moment.


  1. KnitWith.Us says:

    I love seeing flowers in the winter, thanks for posting the image for all of us to see and enjoy. Scott

  2. KnitWith.Us says:

    I love seeing flowers in the winter, thanks for posting the image for all of us to see and enjoy. Scott

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