A weekly meme for giving thanks and/or for noting important events in our lives
1) As horrible as the situation at Va Tech was (and I am in no way trying to minimize it), I am thankful that it wasn’t worse. I am thankful some people escaped unharmed and some were only injured instead of being killed. My heart breaks for the families who have lost loved ones and my prayers go out to them. But I am thankful for the times like this when people come together to support one another. When all grumblings and differences are pushed aside and when we shower one another with mutual love and understand and respect. I wish it happened more often, and not only in times of tragedy.
2)I am thankful for those friends who come into your life briefly, and, like a candle in on a stormy night, brighten it trememdously. One of those friends has moved away and I may never see her again but she brightened my life immensely during her brief visit into my life.
3) I am thankful for the moments of unexpected brilliance from my children. Those little moments that remind me I am not a complete failure as a parent. I am thankful for those times when they do something helpful or kind without being told. I am thankful for those little moments when you share a brief moment of pure love.
4)I am thankful for the few spring flowers that the April freezes didn’t kill.
5)I am thankful that those very noisy guinea hens decided that it wasn’t necessary to roost outside my bedroom window and scream all night long. I am also thankful for all the bugs they are eating even if they are noisy and silly creatures.
6)I am thankful for my health. I am thankful for my home and my neighbors and my friends. I am thankful for my community, my state and my country. I am thankful for the talents that God gave me and the ability to use those talents to bless others. I am thankful for the freedom to worship God openly.
7) Finally, I am thankful for a loving and supportive husband and wonderful, kind and loving children. They really are my world.
Welcome to the Sunday Seven. What a great post. My brothers attend Virignia Tech and while they are both okay, it was a pretty scary day for my family.
On April 30th 2007, the Blogosphere will hold a One-Day Blog Silence in honor of the victims at Virginia Tech. Please consider participating. You can get the details at this address: http://www.onedayblogsilence.com/
Welcome to the Sunday Seven. What a great post. My brothers attend Virignia Tech and while they are both okay, it was a pretty scary day for my family.
On April 30th 2007, the Blogosphere will hold a One-Day Blog Silence in honor of the victims at Virginia Tech. Please consider participating. You can get the details at this address: http://www.onedayblogsilence.com/
Welcome Tabitha, Nicely done post. I live in Virginia and it has been a difficult week. I love your perspective and that you have taken the time to be so positive.
Hope your week is blessed. (P.S. loved your comment on the guinea hens!)
Welcome Tabitha, Nicely done post. I live in Virginia and it has been a difficult week. I love your perspective and that you have taken the time to be so positive.
Hope your week is blessed. (P.S. loved your comment on the guinea hens!)