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This is almost the last of my holiday gifts. This one is for my wonderful and very understanding friend Rose who didn’t mind at all that it wasn’t ready by Christmas. I will have to knit her something extra special for her birthday – but don’t tell her I said that.

Moral of this story: Chose friends who aren’t offended when their Christmas gifts are late 🙂 This applies double to spouses. My hubby’s alpaca scarf is the very last of the holiday gifts. I hope to knock it out next week.

It was knit with larger yarn than the pattern used so it is a wide scarf that will double as a shoulder wrap.

Pattern: Branching Out (Knitty)
Yarn: Bernat fuzzy alpaca blend whose name escapes me
Needles: Size 13

This was probably not the best yarn for this pattern because it had too much acrylic in it to get the center column to block properly – the double decreases wanted to pull disproportionately. It is still a little off but nothing terribly noticeable. What you are seeing in the photo is where it draped funny on the pillow. Good thing I am a better knitter than photographer, eh?

In response to the question about the finished size, I didn’t actually measure it but I would estimate the finished width to be about 8 inches. It made a nice little shoulder wrap but do to its airiness it wasn’t too wide for a comfortable scarf. The alpaca made it warm yet it was very light.
-tabitha 7 January 2008


  1. LeAnn says:

    I have this pattern on my “to do” list for myself. I’m a sucker for anything with leaves. The one you made turned out beautifully.

  2. Becky says:

    That is lovely. I am currently working on a Branching Out as well. I’m suing sock yarn and size 8 needles. I’m about 2/3 finished.

    As for Christmas presents, I’ve still got three boxes in my living room that need to be mailed.

  3. Theresa says:

    This turned out so lovely. I have seen this pattern knit in almost every kind of yarn imaginable. It is so versatile. I’m sure your friend loves it! :o)

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