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Sometimes It Pays to be Slow

I can’t believe it but I actually won a prize for being the worst at something. I have been knitting – or not knitting Secret of the Stole. The idea was to knit along with everyone else and have a lovely stole finished by November. Unfortunately, holiday knitting got in the way and I didn’t complete the stole in time for the prizes. However, DK, the Nautical Knitter, is a very generous hostess so in addition to prizes for those who completed the stole and guessed the theme, she also awarded a prize for the Tortoise Club (those of us who tried but didn’t complete the stole by the deadline). I was apparently the slowest tortoise of all.

Here is the prize I won

It is a wonderful book with some terrific patterns in it. Here is the pattern I want to knit first.

Sadly, I haven’t progressed much further on SOTS for two reasons – I have still been tied up with holiday knitting and being the total klutz that I am I managed to break, not one, but two brand new Brittany Birch needles that I was using to knit SOTS. And I wasn’t even knitting at the time I broke them. I have a rare talent for klutziness. If it ever becomes an Olympic sport, I am a guaranteed gold medalist.

Fortunately, Christmas will be over soon and all those knitted gifts will have been delivered to their intended recipients. Then I can actually do a little knitting for myself. So in January, I will be completing SOTS and also SOTSii. Yes, I am probably out of my mind.

In preparation, I bought myself a lovely present
– some new Brittany Birch needles and this lovely Lacey Lamb yarn. I also bought this alpaca but it is for another project. The color is a little off in the photo. The yarn is not nearly as purple as it appears. It is more brown. I am looking forward to getting back to lace knitting.

So the moral of the story is: Slow and Steady wins the knitting book!!
Thanks DK


  1. Knitted Gems says:

    I received the Debbie Bliss book for Christmas from my lovely MIL. The pattern you picked out is the very same pattern I wanted to knit first from it! I’m sure you’ll finish it first, since I am determined to finish a shawl before I start anything else.
    Happy New Year!

  2. Knitted Gems says:

    I received the Debbie Bliss book for Christmas from my lovely MIL. The pattern you picked out is the very same pattern I wanted to knit first from it! I’m sure you’ll finish it first, since I am determined to finish a shawl before I start anything else.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Lydia says:

    If the Lacey Lamb is the deep merlot color it’s gorgeous. My SIL did the SOTS (1) with this colorway and it was really stunning. I’m using Lacey Lamb in charcoal for the SOTSii. I finished my stole 1 week later, I’m just glad I finished it. Happy knitting.

  4. Lydia says:

    If the Lacey Lamb is the deep merlot color it’s gorgeous. My SIL did the SOTS (1) with this colorway and it was really stunning. I’m using Lacey Lamb in charcoal for the SOTSii. I finished my stole 1 week later, I’m just glad I finished it. Happy knitting.

  5. N. Maria says:

    What a lucky gal you are!
    I, too, love what your first project from the book will be!
    I look forward to reading all about it.
    I’m on SOTSii, too!

  6. N. Maria says:

    What a lucky gal you are!
    I, too, love what your first project from the book will be!
    I look forward to reading all about it.
    I’m on SOTSii, too!

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