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Sock Success

From Tabitha Knits…

I finally had some sock success. After the disaster with my Dublin Bay, I went on to somehow mess up the gauge on the second Chevron Bay baby sock. Then I went on to choose a totally incompatible color for my Monkey sock and ended up frogging it as well. I was beginning to think that I had totally lost my sock mojo. But thanks to dd’s Strata sock I am back in the socknitting rhythm. I completed these “plain vanilla” socks for my dd. I re-knitted Chevron Lace baby sock 2 and this time the gauge is correct (have no clue what when wrong with the other unless I through my tension off by trying to finish it in a hurry. And I have selected a new color and cast on my Monkey again. Now if I can just decide what to do about Dublin Bay! Just so you know, I deliberately mismatched my stripes on the socks. They look to ordinary if I match my stripes and I rather like the resulting color reversal in self-striping yarn.

Sock On!!


  1. Diane says:

    They look great! The colors are so strong that they don’t need to match. Life is too short to worry about matching your socks!

  2. Diane says:

    They look great! The colors are so strong that they don’t need to match. Life is too short to worry about matching your socks!

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