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Royal Purple Monkeys

These are for me and only me!! Monkeys in glorious royal purple fit for a queen. This is a really fun pattern to knit. Challenging enough to be fun but not so difficult to be discouraging – especially for a novice sock knitter like me.I was intending to only knit one in this pattern but it was so much fun I ended up doing two. I got them finished just in time to wear them to worship services tomorrow. With strappy black sandals I think. And no one will even know if I shaved my legs. The color is not very good as I had to take this shot indoors with a flash. To see the true beauty of the yarn scan down to the post “Getting There”

From Tabitha Knits…

Here is the yarn for my next socks. Gargeous, ain’t it?! I got this from Kerry and I think I am in love with this yarn. It is SO soft and shiny and beautiful. I have it all wound into a ball and waiting impatiently for Monkey’s completion. I just have to decide which pattern to knit from this incredible yarn. What do you think – should I do
Falling Leaves
or something completely different? Your vote can be left in comments.

Pattern Monkey by Cookie A.
Yarn KnitPicks Essential Plum Tweed.
Second Yarn Sol Joy by Catalina in Lagoon colorway
Knit on!!


  1. Katie K says:

    what size dpn’s did you use for the Monkey socks? I’m working on those currently and I can’t get the sock on my foot, I’m using size 1 dpn’s.

  2. Katie K says:

    what size dpn’s did you use for the Monkey socks? I’m working on those currently and I can’t get the sock on my foot, I’m using size 1 dpn’s.

  3. adrienne says:

    i pick pomatomus! i did a pair with short colors like the lagoon. i thought the socks came out wonderful with little blops of color instead of striping.

    pomatomus!!!!! go for it!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I remember back when you were knitting these monkey socks. They really did turn out great.
    I think the Pomatomus would be a good one to start on next.

  5. Rachael says:

    Great socks- I love the purple. I was just sitting here tryingto decide what I should cast on next- I think monkey it is!
    I think maybe you should go for Hedra with the new yarn.

  6. NancyMaria says:

    Your purple socks are fabulous!
    I vote ‘Springtime in Paris’ from Six Soxs KAL with that beautiful yarn!!

  7. Stephanie G. says:

    I think the Pomatomus pattern would be lovely in this yarn. All of your work is beautiful and I thank you for sharing.

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