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New Year, New Knitting

I am so glad to be finished with the holiday knitting that has occupied most of my time for the last 2 – 3 months. I will finally able to knit something for myself now.

I started out my new year right. Here is my first completed knitting for 2008.

I began and finished it yesterday. How’s that for starting out the year right.

I was reviewing my New Year’s Resolutions from last year to see how well I did. Here is what I posted last year.

I like simple resolutions that I can actually keep so here is my list of
resolutions for 2007

To read my Bible every day
To spend more time in prayer
To show my love for my family every day
To knit, at least a little bit, every day
To learn some new knitting techniques
To read at least one new knitting book cover to cover
To knit something for charity at least once a quarter
To try really hard not the throttle anyone no matter now much they deserve it
To spend more time knitting so I don’t throttle anyone who deserves it

I am happy to say that I did really well on that list. I am most proud of the fact that I read my Bible every day in 2007. So this year’s resolution is to repeat last years resolutions with a few minor changes and additions. So the 2008 resolutions will be

  • To read my Bible every day
  • To spend more time in prayer
  • To show my love for my family every day
  • To knit, at least a little bit, every day
  • To learn some new knitting techniques – Fair Isle being one of the techniques I would like to master – and to complete one sweater that actually fits
  • To read at least one new knitting book cover to cover
  • To knit something for charity at least once a quarter (this includes my own project – Warming Widows)
  • To try really, really hard not the throttle anyone no matter now much they deserve it
  • To spend more time knitting so I don’t throttle those people who deserves it
  • To strive to keep my website and blogs more up-to-date
  • To complete at least one online Bible course
  • To contact at least one sick, absent or shut-in church member each week and do a better job of keeping in touch with old friends who live in different cities.
  • To work toward better health

So there you have it. My goals for 2008. Tune in on January 1, 2009 to see how I did on this list.

Project Deets

Pattern – Fetching (Knitty)
Yarn – Cascade 220 Heathers
Needles – Size 7 circ (2 at once; Magic Loop method.


  1. Lydia says:

    Good luck on the resolutions- the gloves give me an idea for a belated C.mas gift for our mail lady,I pulled the yarn out yesterday wondering what I could do with it, thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Lydia says:

    Good luck on the resolutions- the gloves give me an idea for a belated C.mas gift for our mail lady,I pulled the yarn out yesterday wondering what I could do with it, thanks for the inspiration!

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