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Monday, Monday

Having a holiday in the middle of the week really throws off my routine. It’s like having two Mondays in one week – totally messes with the balance of the universe and the time-space continuum. My hubby is home in the middle of the week, the kids think it is Saturday, the cleaning and cooking schedules get all out of whack and it generally throws the whole week into disarray. Consequently my knitting suffers.

I am still plagued with frogs. I don’t know if it was the two Mondays thing or the fact that it rained all week (not complaining since we REALLY needed it) but I have very little progress to show for all the knitting I have done. I guess that is to be expected when you are learning new things. The toe up socks that have been frogged so many times that the yarn is starting to look worn are half-way through a short row heel. This is my first one with wraps and it is not going as well as I had hoped. I think I need to find a better set of instructions because the set that I am using is confusing and seems to contradict itself. No photo because I refuse to take pictures of stubborn and uncooperative yarn!

I finally started the lace section on the Indigo Ripples skirt. If I ever get the first round correct, everything will be okay but I keep getting interrupted – previously mentioned time-space continuum disturbance – and end up reversing the order of the stitches somewhere along the way. It isn’t a difficult pattern, it just won’t cooperate with me right now. No new photo because it still looks like a big blue blog.

Real Lace

I am working away on Mystery Stole 3. I am way behind the other knitters but since this is my first real lace, it is a very slow process for me. I am just going to plod along like a turtle and not concern myself with the rabbits of the group. I have completed several more rows than this photo shows but I decided to wait until I completed Clue 1 before I took another photo. I am pleased that I have something that actually looks like lace and looks like everyone else’s. The beads are really slowing me down but I like them so I will keep adding them. I think I can rule out wearing this stole this summer but I might have it ready for winter wearing. It is going to be magnificent – if I can actually knit it. Wish me luck.

Maybe this week will be better for my knitting. I am really wanting to get a couple of pair of socks off the needles.


  1. Arianwen says:

    ha ha I said the same thing near enough of my blog. Try putting down your stole and getting out plain knitting – nobody speaks for the rest of the evening. I sorted mine and you will too just keep going.

  2. Arianwen says:

    ha ha I said the same thing near enough of my blog. Try putting down your stole and getting out plain knitting – nobody speaks for the rest of the evening. I sorted mine and you will too just keep going.

  3. N. Maria says:

    Don’t be so hard on yourself, your work is beautiful!!
    Speaking of rabbits ~ The first time I read where someone said “I’m Done!”, I said “WHAT?!” and muttered something I can’t recall….

  4. N. Maria says:

    Don’t be so hard on yourself, your work is beautiful!!
    Speaking of rabbits ~ The first time I read where someone said “I’m Done!”, I said “WHAT?!” and muttered something I can’t recall….

  5. Diane says:

    Boy I hate those mid week holidays where I have to work before and after too. I think they do it on purpose just to screw us up!

    You MS3 looks great. Isn’t it amazing to watch all those YO’s and K2TOG’s turn into something so beautiful? I’m a slow lace knitter too. And I use a ton of lifelines.

  6. Diane says:

    Boy I hate those mid week holidays where I have to work before and after too. I think they do it on purpose just to screw us up!

    You MS3 looks great. Isn’t it amazing to watch all those YO’s and K2TOG’s turn into something so beautiful? I’m a slow lace knitter too. And I use a ton of lifelines.

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