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May I have the envelope please…

I hope each of you in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Today is the day to draw the names for the Unexpected Blessings contest. Thank you to all who shared their unexpected blessings and a special thank you to each of you who linked to my blog. Your names were entered into a random list generator and the winners are:

Aunt Kathy
Phoenix Anew
Katie O and

You have one week to send your snail mail address to tabitha@tabithasheart.com so I can mail your prizes. I do not have email addresses to contact you privately so this is the only notice you will receive that you have won. If you haven’t contacted me by November 30th, another winner will be chosen from the randomized list.

Thank you again to everyone who shared their unexpected blessings with me. God indeed blesses us so richly even though it is sometimes hard to see those blessings. There will be a new contest coming soon so check back often. And if you were interested in entering the Bible quiz contest on Tabitha’s Heart & Hands you have until midnight on Saturday, November 24th to enter. Winning this contest does not exclude you from winning the other.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,- Ephesians 1:2