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Just Dye-ing for Springtime

The weather here cannot decide what season it is. One day the temperature is below freezing and the next it is nearly 80. Consequently, my spring blossoms are all brown and the lawn is still bare. It’s starting to get downright depressing.

In an effort to encourage spring to hurry and bolster my mood, I broke out the egg dye. I used a bit to dye eggs for the kiddos for breakfast – my youngest has been nagging me for weeks to dye some eggs. Shortly after breakfast, I got a new sock pattern. The sample was knitted in a lovely grass green. I realized that I did not have a green in my stash but I simply had to knit this sock in green. In my frantic search for green yarn, I unearthed a skein of KnitPicks Bare that I had purchased with the intention of trying my hand at Kool-aid dyeing. Well, I thought, there is no time like the present. I whipped out the vinegar and the rest of the egg dye and a microwave safe bowl and dyeing instructions from Knitty and proceeded to make a colossal mess of my kitchen. Here are the results.

A beautiful and vibrant spring green. Spring has finally arrived at my house. Please ignore the bare lawn in the background.

There are a few mistakes I made, lessons I learned and things that I will do differently next time around but over all I am pleased with the results. Can’t wait to knit it. While it is drying, I think I will shop for some more naked yarn!


  1. Moms90 says:

    Tabitha, you have loads of pics that are so wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us. Your socks are absolutely beautiful and you give me inspiration to continue on my journey of learning this wonderful hobby!!! Thank you so much.

  2. Moms90 says:

    Tabitha, you have loads of pics that are so wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us. Your socks are absolutely beautiful and you give me inspiration to continue on my journey of learning this wonderful hobby!!! Thank you so much.

  3. Moms90 says:

    Tabitha, you have loads of pics that are so wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us. Your socks are absolutely beautiful and you give me inspiration to continue on my journey of learning this wonderful hobby!!! Thank you so much.

  4. Tabitha says:

    I am going to be knitting a sock called Green Leaves. I am actually test knitting the pattern so it isn’t available just yet. It promises to be a challenging but fun knit. When I have finished knitting is and have the designers okay, I will post information on where you can get the pattern.

  5. Tabitha says:

    I am going to be knitting a sock called Green Leaves. I am actually test knitting the pattern so it isn’t available just yet. It promises to be a challenging but fun knit. When I have finished knitting is and have the designers okay, I will post information on where you can get the pattern.

  6. Tabitha says:

    I am going to be knitting a sock called Green Leaves. I am actually test knitting the pattern so it isn’t available just yet. It promises to be a challenging but fun knit. When I have finished knitting is and have the designers okay, I will post information on where you can get the pattern.

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