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I have an LYS!!

I am doing the happy dance because a yarn shop opened up near me – a real yarn shop, not just the craft section at Walmart!!!! It isn’t actually in the town where I live (which is probably a good thing) but it is the first time since I started knitting that I have had a place to go and shop for yarn that didn’t require an hours drive.

I actually got to touch and hold hundreds of different yarns. She had wool and cotton and alpaca and cashmere and linen and bamboo and soybean and corn yarns – oddly no acrylic. With more yarns still to come. I got to see the real color of these yarns without the interference of a computer monitor. I think I petted every yarn in the store. They even have SOCK YARN!!!!!!! They also have needles – tons of needles. Addi, Brittany Birch, Rosewood, Lantern Moon Ebony. She even has a nice selection of crochet hooks in case you drop a stitch.

This is Joan – the owner. She is a true gem. She opened the shop because she couldn’t find the yarns she wanted in the stores near her.

She doesn’t actually like to have her photo taken but I thought the photo came out quite nice – she liked it too or I would have deleted it. She is a very, very, very nice lady who actually knits socks. She has a ball winder and swift set up and will let you wind your yarn – even yarn you did not purchase from her. She has a section in the corner of the store where she has cushy chairs set up so you can sit and knit. She holds a Knit Night once a month. She is even going to start carrying Louet Gems because of me – I took some of mine in and she agrees that it is simply fabulous yarn! Joan is my new best friend.

I splurged and bought myself this.

Schaefer Anne – the color reminds me of stormy weather. Joan laughed at me when I said that the yarn hadn’t told me what sock it wanted to be yet. I am still torn on the pattern to use for it. Such scrumptious yarn deserved a simply fabulous pattern to go with it. So what do you think, what would my Stormy Weather like to be when it grows up??
Gothic Spire
Queen of Cups


  1. Amy says:

    Congrats on your new LYS and your new best friend!

    The Schaefer Anne is lovely, and according to my monitor seems to be not-too-variegated, so I would vote for Clessidra or Bayerische, although Thelonius would look nice, too. (Not much help, huh!)

  2. Amy says:

    Congrats on your new LYS and your new best friend!

    The Schaefer Anne is lovely, and according to my monitor seems to be not-too-variegated, so I would vote for Clessidra or Bayerische, although Thelonius would look nice, too. (Not much help, huh!)

  3. Rennagayle says:

    As one who does not have an LYS, I can imagine your excitement. Congratulations!

  4. Rennagayle says:

    As one who does not have an LYS, I can imagine your excitement. Congratulations!

  5. Rennagayle says:

    As one who does not have an LYS, I can imagine your excitement. Congratulations!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Wow, You will be busy now! HaHa
    Any of these will be a big challenge (esp. for me). I’m sure you’ll do just lovely on whatever you decide for your stormy weather.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Wow, You will be busy now! HaHa
    Any of these will be a big challenge (esp. for me). I’m sure you’ll do just lovely on whatever you decide for your stormy weather.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Wow, You will be busy now! HaHa
    Any of these will be a big challenge (esp. for me). I’m sure you’ll do just lovely on whatever you decide for your stormy weather.

  9. Ruth says:

    Thelonius! Anne is my favorite sock yarn and I think it will enhance any pattern, but I see it most with the Thelonius. Enjoy!! Ruth in NJ

  10. Ruth says:

    Thelonius! Anne is my favorite sock yarn and I think it will enhance any pattern, but I see it most with the Thelonius. Enjoy!! Ruth in NJ

  11. Ruth says:

    Thelonius! Anne is my favorite sock yarn and I think it will enhance any pattern, but I see it most with the Thelonius. Enjoy!! Ruth in NJ

  12. T-Mom says:

    Congrats on your new LYS–it looks like a great one! Wish I had one so near–or, er, rather, maybe not; my budget is over-stretched as it is. I wish you many happy hours browsing.

    As for the Schaeffer Anne, I think it wants to be Gothic Spires. I think the colors are subtle enough that they might actually highlight the pattern. JMHO. Beautiful yarn. I’ve got a skein myself that I’m haven’t decided what I want to do with yet, but I couldn’t resist the rich colors in this particular colorway.

  13. T-Mom says:

    Congrats on your new LYS–it looks like a great one! Wish I had one so near–or, er, rather, maybe not; my budget is over-stretched as it is. I wish you many happy hours browsing.

    As for the Schaeffer Anne, I think it wants to be Gothic Spires. I think the colors are subtle enough that they might actually highlight the pattern. JMHO. Beautiful yarn. I’ve got a skein myself that I’m haven’t decided what I want to do with yet, but I couldn’t resist the rich colors in this particular colorway.

  14. T-Mom says:

    Congrats on your new LYS–it looks like a great one! Wish I had one so near–or, er, rather, maybe not; my budget is over-stretched as it is. I wish you many happy hours browsing.

    As for the Schaeffer Anne, I think it wants to be Gothic Spires. I think the colors are subtle enough that they might actually highlight the pattern. JMHO. Beautiful yarn. I’ve got a skein myself that I’m haven’t decided what I want to do with yet, but I couldn’t resist the rich colors in this particular colorway.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I like the Clessidra as well. Be sure and put a picture of them when you finish them. 🙂
    Happy Knitting.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I like the Clessidra as well. Be sure and put a picture of them when you finish them. 🙂
    Happy Knitting.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I like the Clessidra as well. Be sure and put a picture of them when you finish them. 🙂
    Happy Knitting.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I like Clessidra for this yarn. But, this yarn will do justice to any pattern. Good luck choosing.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I like Clessidra for this yarn. But, this yarn will do justice to any pattern. Good luck choosing.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I like Clessidra for this yarn. But, this yarn will do justice to any pattern. Good luck choosing.

  21. Pat Harper says:

    What about something different, like the Snowflake socks or the Falling Leaves socks?

  22. Pat Harper says:

    What about something different, like the Snowflake socks or the Falling Leaves socks?

  23. Pat Harper says:

    What about something different, like the Snowflake socks or the Falling Leaves socks?

  24. Lorrie says:

    I really think that your stormy weather would look the best in Thelonius……….the others are too lacy and the Bayerische really needs a solid color to show off all the details.

    Good luck!

  25. Lorrie says:

    I really think that your stormy weather would look the best in Thelonius……….the others are too lacy and the Bayerische really needs a solid color to show off all the details.

    Good luck!

  26. Lorrie says:

    I really think that your stormy weather would look the best in Thelonius……….the others are too lacy and the Bayerische really needs a solid color to show off all the details.

    Good luck!

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