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My hope is build on nothing less…
These are the opening words of a beautiful hymn by Edward Mote and William Bradbury. Growing up we jokingly sang the song with slightly different lyrics. In our version made a gentle poke at preachers who may not spend enough time studying on their own. The words were “My sermon’s built on nothing less than Scofield’s notes and Broadman Press”. I always think of this little joke whenever we sing Edward Mote’s much better original. Apparently, it made an impression on my friend Ed, one of song leaders for our congregation. I shared this story with him a few weeks ago and he had lead this song every time he has been the song leader this month. I nearly laughed out loud the first time he lead it. One day I am going to remember to ask Ed if he is trying to see if I will sing the wrong lyrics.

For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my youth. – Psalm 71:5