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Hen Twins??

I got this from my hen house yesterday. This is a chicken egg. Just so you know how big this egg really is – the smaller egg at the top is a Grade A Large egg. And the egg is as much larger in diameter as it is in length.


  1. bananababy says:

    i have hens they were laying eggs like this in the summer every other day they are massive i was suprised that they werent triple yolkes!

  2. bananababy says:

    i have hens they were laying eggs like this in the summer every other day they are massive i was suprised that they werent triple yolkes!

  3. Tabitha says:

    You wouldn’t believe it but I got another Goliath egg Friday. The two of them made breakfast for my family of four.

  4. Tabitha says:

    You wouldn’t believe it but I got another Goliath egg Friday. The two of them made breakfast for my family of four.

  5. Tabitha says:

    You wouldn’t believe it but I got another Goliath egg Friday. The two of them made breakfast for my family of four.

  6. N. Maria says:

    I love fresh eggs. How lucky are you!!
    I grew up with fresh eggs. After moving from home, it was store bought ones. It’s just not the same.

  7. N. Maria says:

    I love fresh eggs. How lucky are you!!
    I grew up with fresh eggs. After moving from home, it was store bought ones. It’s just not the same.

  8. N. Maria says:

    I love fresh eggs. How lucky are you!!
    I grew up with fresh eggs. After moving from home, it was store bought ones. It’s just not the same.

  9. Tabitha says:

    Positive it is a hen. Guess this is the chicken equivalent to giving birth to a 12 pound baby.

    Don’t guess I have ever seen an entire dozen of double yolks before. that would be weird indeed. She must have bought Extra Large eggs. They would have made a very rich cake.

  10. Tabitha says:

    Positive it is a hen. Guess this is the chicken equivalent to giving birth to a 12 pound baby.

    Don’t guess I have ever seen an entire dozen of double yolks before. that would be weird indeed. She must have bought Extra Large eggs. They would have made a very rich cake.

  11. Tabitha says:

    Positive it is a hen. Guess this is the chicken equivalent to giving birth to a 12 pound baby.

    Don’t guess I have ever seen an entire dozen of double yolks before. that would be weird indeed. She must have bought Extra Large eggs. They would have made a very rich cake.

  12. Becky says:

    You sure that’s not an ostrich? 😉

    Ya want to hear something wierd? When I was a teenager, my mother bought a dozen eggs from the grocery store. She brought them home, and upon cracking them, we discovered that every one of those eggs was double yolked.

  13. Becky says:

    You sure that’s not an ostrich? 😉

    Ya want to hear something wierd? When I was a teenager, my mother bought a dozen eggs from the grocery store. She brought them home, and upon cracking them, we discovered that every one of those eggs was double yolked.

  14. Becky says:

    You sure that’s not an ostrich? 😉

    Ya want to hear something wierd? When I was a teenager, my mother bought a dozen eggs from the grocery store. She brought them home, and upon cracking them, we discovered that every one of those eggs was double yolked.

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