Here at Heart House, we are getting ready for what promises to be a very busy summer. The garden is planted and we should be picking the first fresh zucchini in a day or two. The school work is winding down. And we are getting ready for lots of fun this summer – summer reading programs, field trips, 4H classes.
We will be participating in another tour of duty with Starfleet Fiber Arts Corps. The Heart household received many honors in the spring tour of duty. PBC was promoted to Lt. Commander and I have achieved the rank of Commander, though there may be another promotion in store for me soon. We both won medals for completing all 18 missions during the tour. And our ship, the USS Alpaca, won the title of Flagship for the next tour so we are excited to begin the Deep Space tour with that honor.
I am also looking forward to the Olympics and the Ravelympics this summer. I am Captain for the fleet’s Ravelympics team – Team Final Frontier. The team has been training hard so we in good shape to hear our national anthem played many times at the medal podium.We have already chosen a team project. We plan to flood the medal stand with Tribbles so be looking for us in the Toy Toss event. If you haven’t chosen a team yet for the Ravelympics, we would love to have you join us on Team Final Frontier.
I have signed up for the British Cricket event, which is a new event this year. Essentially, you have to craft an whimsical item that is British or Olympic in some way. I have been working on my design for this category. I decided to do a tea cozy, because what is more British than tea. Of course, my tea cozy will not be just a tea cozy. I plan to decorate it with all my favorite British and Olympic things.

I even plan to use the last of my Colinette Jittebug that my friend Katie sent me. I used most of it in this hat and its twin but there is still a bit left that will find a home in my Ravelympics tea cozy. It should make an nice hunk of space in which to park a TARDIS, because we all know the only thing more British than tea is Doctor Who.
I have also been trying to think of the single project that will garner the most possible medals. This will also be something I have to design since there aren’t that many projects that will fit in to multiple events. In the first summer games, someone managed to submit a pentathlete project and I want to see if I can beat that. I am aiming for a decathlon project. Time will tell if I can pull that off. At any rate, this summer promises to be an interesting one.
Wishing all the mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.