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Chocolate Cake for Breakfast

I had my 396th birthday yesterday but my kids were convinced that we really didn’t have enough time for a celebration because church services interfered with birthday celebrating. My kids baked me a cake and we decided that we would take today as a school-free day to complete our birthday celebrations.

So this morning as I was contemplating what to prepare for breakfast, my kids started asking for birthday cake. It reminded me of a great sketch from Bill Cosby Himself called Chocolate Cake for Breakfast. I tried to find it on YouTube but I couldn’t. If you get a chance to listen to it, you can find it on the album Bill Cosby Himself. It is a really funny sketch of a Dad trying to serve breakfast for his kids while his wife sleeps in.

In my Youtube searching, I did find this great sketch called Natural Childbirth. If you have ever had children, you will relate. I love how Bill Cosby can make the most ordinary things in life hilarious. So here is my birthday present to you. Enjoy!
Natural Childbirth

Just so you know, we did have chocolate cake for breakfast. But we will have eggs and bacon for lunch to make up for it!


  1. elizaduckie says:

    Thank you for that wonderful reminder of my all time favorite session by Bill Cosby [and favorite saying by Carol Burnett] I had no idea you could see “Parents” on You Tube…I HAVE to watch the rest…I wonder if he ever did “Noah” on TV? I’ll look for that also…another favorite “record” of mine.

    I agree with Becky — isn’t it a shame more comedians can’t do a ‘clean’ routine.

  2. Theresa says:

    Happy Belated Birthday! :o) When I saw the heading, before I started reading, I thought “Bill Cosby would approve!” LOL

  3. Becky says:

    I just love Bill Cosby. He proves that you don’t have to be obscene to be funny–something too many of today’s comedians don’t seem to understand.

  4. Amy says:

    Huh. 396th birthday! Wow – I didn’t know anyone had made it to that age since Biblical times! 🙂

    Yes, Cosby’s routine is funny. The chocolate cake routine is great (we often resort to the chant, “Dad is great, gives us the chocolate cake”!) Hope you’ve heard the dentist routine – that’s just as funny!

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