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Okay, this is starting to be a pattern here. I am beginning to wonder if I have accidentally ended up in a parallel universe. I now it is no big deal to those of you who live farther north but the last time we had snow here was December 2000 and now this is the second time in a week. What is this – global warming or something??

This is the “snowbaby” that my kids made. There wasn’t enough snow for a snowman so they made a snowbaby. It is about 8 – 10 inches tall.


  1. Lindy says:

    Snow……*sigh* I hope we get a few inches sometime soon. I’d be happy with a foot! 🙂 I love the snowbaby.

  2. Lindy says:

    Snow……*sigh* I hope we get a few inches sometime soon. I’d be happy with a foot! 🙂 I love the snowbaby.

  3. Amy says:

    For the ‘deep south’ – that’s a lot of snow if you can actually make a snowbaby! (Experience talking here – I’m from Minne*snow*ta! 🙂

  4. Amy says:

    For the ‘deep south’ – that’s a lot of snow if you can actually make a snowbaby! (Experience talking here – I’m from Minne*snow*ta! 🙂

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