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Infernal Muggle

Or Why My Husband Needs to Be Bat-bogey Hexed!

As I continue my journey of lace knitting, I am discovering that husbands and lace knitting do not mix. I knew that this rule applied to children and pets but I didn’t realize that there was a corollary extending it to husbands as well. You would think a fully-grown, college-educated, highly intelligent man would would be able to realize the difference between doing nothing and doing something that requires concentration. Last night, my hubby proved this theorem wrong.

Yesterday had been a very good day with MS3, I had managed to complete quite a few rows in the morning without any mistakes. So after the kids were in bed and while my hubby was busy with the computer, I decided to work another row or two before going to bed. Guess I should have noticed the foreboding music in the background. I managed to complete two rows before Clueless Muggle Husband decided that he desperately needed my attention – it just couldn’t wait until the end of the row. This is the man who hadn’t offered three words in conversation all night and suddenly he’s a chatterbox. You guessed it – made a counting mistake. Okay – no need to panic – all is not lost – I spotted the mistake on the row where I made it so I can tink back and correct it, right?! Do you hear the foreboding music getting louder? I gave Clueless Muggle the “I’m counting” warning, counted back and found the mistake and turned my work to tink and again he just has to chat – this time he his tapping my shoulder when I don’t immediately respond. Made another mistake picking up stitches, dropped some more and picked up the wrong amount. Can you see the rapid downward spiral? Panic starts to set in, I give Clueless another warning – after all he had been kind enough to make my yarn swift, he deserves a second chance. I try again (I can hear your yells of “Don’t Do It”). This time I drop stitches in the center of the largest lace motif – heroine screams and faints. After I lost 4 stitches that I cannot find, I decided MS3 needed a time out. I had hoped that I would be able to correct it this morning but, of course, Youngest Child got up early – please refer to children and lace knitting rule. It is just not my destiny to finish Clue 1 this week. And I was just starting to feel that I might actually finish MS3. Maybe not, now.

On Friday, MS3, as well as all other knitting and household chores, will go on hiatus while I read the new Harry Potter book. Please do not expect blogging, emailing or answering or phone calls. Clueless Muggle Husband may not even get fed. We are even going to a midnight release party this time (last time I ordered the book online).

Yesterday, we worked on costumes for the kids. HPFan1 has decided to be Luna Lovegood. She originally planned on Hermione but decided Luna would be more fun and might be a little more original. We had a grand old time working on her costume.

She is using a knitting needle as her wand. We made a Butterbeer cap necklace and radish earrings. I found that KnitPicks Bare yarn makes a very convincing radish root. (Add those to your list of unconventional uses for knitting yarns and tools.)

Just add a copy of “The Quibbler” and instant Luna.

HPFan2 finally decided on Colin Creevey. We literally went through every character in all 6 books before he decided. I chased down a Bill Weasley wig, Gilderoy Lockheart robes and tried to make a Mad-Eye Moody eye all before he decided on Colin Creevey. That one should be easy all we need is a black robe and a camera. Done.

I have actually done a little non-MS3 knitting too. Finished this pair of socks for the daughter.

Started the lace part of Indigo Ripples Skirt. Sorry this is a really bad photo.

Am almost to the heel on these Hedera socks from Panda Cotton.

Have complete one sock plus a little cuff of another pair of Chevron Lace baby socks.

Then there is this pair of toe ups that I am knitting for a lady at church.

If I would quit knitting other stuff, I might make some progress on MS3.


  1. Qutecowgirl says:

    hello, i came here from ms3. You can do it. I have not even started yet. I finally got eveything today and then it flooded. I am thinking about waitng until monday to start.
    I noticed that you are a big HP fan (who isn’t ) and was wondering if you have seen the HP patterns at socktopia.net. I really like the Fawkes socks.

    anyway good luck you can do and chocolate helps

  2. Qutecowgirl says:

    hello, i came here from ms3. You can do it. I have not even started yet. I finally got eveything today and then it flooded. I am thinking about waitng until monday to start.
    I noticed that you are a big HP fan (who isn’t ) and was wondering if you have seen the HP patterns at socktopia.net. I really like the Fawkes socks.

    anyway good luck you can do and chocolate helps

  3. Qutecowgirl says:

    hello, i came here from ms3. You can do it. I have not even started yet. I finally got eveything today and then it flooded. I am thinking about waitng until monday to start.
    I noticed that you are a big HP fan (who isn’t ) and was wondering if you have seen the HP patterns at socktopia.net. I really like the Fawkes socks.

    anyway good luck you can do and chocolate helps

  4. Diane says:

    OMG!! This is a great post for all lace knitters. I think there’s an anti lace knitting society out there that all our hubbies, kids, and pets belong to. They never say 2 words when I’m sock knitting a plain jane but the minute I pick up a shawl …..

    Love the costume. Radish earrings could be all the rage shortly.

  5. Diane says:

    OMG!! This is a great post for all lace knitters. I think there’s an anti lace knitting society out there that all our hubbies, kids, and pets belong to. They never say 2 words when I’m sock knitting a plain jane but the minute I pick up a shawl …..

    Love the costume. Radish earrings could be all the rage shortly.

  6. Diane says:

    OMG!! This is a great post for all lace knitters. I think there’s an anti lace knitting society out there that all our hubbies, kids, and pets belong to. They never say 2 words when I’m sock knitting a plain jane but the minute I pick up a shawl …..

    Love the costume. Radish earrings could be all the rage shortly.

  7. Sandra says:

    Well, your MS3 might have stalled a bit, but your other knitting is prolific and beautiful! Take heart. My DH says I’m being antisocial when I knit. Oh well, guess I’m going to be antisocial for a few more weeks then LOL.

  8. Sandra says:

    Well, your MS3 might have stalled a bit, but your other knitting is prolific and beautiful! Take heart. My DH says I’m being antisocial when I knit. Oh well, guess I’m going to be antisocial for a few more weeks then LOL.

  9. Becky says:

    So sorry to hear about your Mystery shawl’s Muggle Misadventures. I do hope you had a lifeline in. I wouldn’t knit lace without one!

  10. Becky says:

    So sorry to hear about your Mystery shawl’s Muggle Misadventures. I do hope you had a lifeline in. I wouldn’t knit lace without one!

  11. S.B. Naas says:

    Men can be so very silly (and insistent) sometimes! I have to admit that my boyfriend is usually fairly respectful of the “counting” stance, but every once in a while… However, I too am stuck at Clue 1 in MS3. I just hit chart B, and I should be so much farther than I am… but I keep getting stuck! Very frustrating… Good luck getting it done to both of us!

  12. S.B. Naas says:

    Men can be so very silly (and insistent) sometimes! I have to admit that my boyfriend is usually fairly respectful of the “counting” stance, but every once in a while… However, I too am stuck at Clue 1 in MS3. I just hit chart B, and I should be so much farther than I am… but I keep getting stuck! Very frustrating… Good luck getting it done to both of us!

  13. Rete says:

    I feel your pain, as mine would do the same thing when I had an ‘open-door policy’.

    Now I go into my sewing room and shut the door firmly against cats, kid, and husband. Everyone knows the rule about knocking and being invited in before bothering mommy while she’s “working”.

  14. Rete says:

    I feel your pain, as mine would do the same thing when I had an ‘open-door policy’.

    Now I go into my sewing room and shut the door firmly against cats, kid, and husband. Everyone knows the rule about knocking and being invited in before bothering mommy while she’s “working”.

  15. Jennifer in Ohio says:

    You have a lovely blog. I saw reference under the MS3 group, I believe. Thank you for sharing. You do nice work, if you really are a beginner! I’ve been knitting now for approximately 6 years, and it looks like you’re knitting at about my knitting level! I especially like the self striping yarn you’re doing for the lady at church. What kind is it?

  16. Jennifer in Ohio says:

    You have a lovely blog. I saw reference under the MS3 group, I believe. Thank you for sharing. You do nice work, if you really are a beginner! I’ve been knitting now for approximately 6 years, and it looks like you’re knitting at about my knitting level! I especially like the self striping yarn you’re doing for the lady at church. What kind is it?

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