This month has been full of knitting firsts for me. It has been almost a year since I started knitting. I am gaining confidence now, patterns no longer scare me, and my knitting is faster as I become more proficient – this newfound speed is very handy as I was painfully slow when I first started. I have come a long way from the garter stitch scarves I knitted for Christmas gifts. I am getting brave enough to try new things. That is not so say that I haven’t gotten in over my head on a couple of projects. To the contrary, I think I have spent more time “unknitting” than knitting. Fortunately, each trip to Frog Pond taught me something new and important – lessons that hopefully will not be repeated often.
This month, I completed my first sweater – details in the post A Plague of Frogs. I know summer is not the best season to complete sweaters but it will be ready when it does cool off a bit. Truthfully, there are a couple of places that keep their thermostats set so low that I would gladly don a sweater even if it is 96 o outside.
I am about half way finished with my first knitted skirt – Indigo Ripples from Interweave Knits. I think it will actually look nice on me once it is finished though I had my doubts since I am a lot curvier than the pencil-thin model in the photos. I think it is hilarious that the skirt isn’t even finished and it is already wrinkled. You gotta love cotton!!
I have swatched for my first “real” lace shawl – Mystery Shawl 3 from PinkLemonTwist – there is a link in the side bar if you are interested in participating. I still haven’t made up my mind on the size of the needles to use. I want it to be delicate and airy but I don’t want it to be so loose that it provides no warmth. The yarn is so fine and delicate that I have my doubts about whether I am up to the challenge. I only thought sock yarn was small – after playing with the lace weight yarn for a week sock yarn feels practically HUGE.
I knitted my first picot edged sock – more precisely I have knit the picot edging but not completed the sock. The looks great but I am a bit concerned how that hem will feel against the leg. Hopefully, the baby that they are being knit for will not mind.
I have successfully completed my first short row heel. I will probably reknit it now that I actually know what I am doing a bit as I think the decreases could look neater. I still like my heel flaps but this will be a handy technique for toe up socks and plain vanilla sock in self striping yarns.
Here is the whole sock – or at least the whole leg. Still have to add the little foot and toe.
And I have actually started my first pair of toe up socks. I am not really impressed with the toe of the pattern I was using but I am convinced that with a different cast on I will like the technique much better. Just so you don’t think the surface in the photo is my dining room table, that is a badly stained outdoor utility table. It really is cleaner than it looks.
And I learned all this in a month were I didn’t knit for a week because of Vacation Bible School. Can’t wait to see what I accomplish in July!!
I love the yarn you are using for the toe up socks. It might be that you have increased too rapidly and that is why your toes are so pointy looking. You want to not increase on every row. Try increasing on every other row or even maybe every 3rd row. Good luck!
That’s a lot of knitting in one year. I started knitting again at Christmas time after a 16 year hiatus (or something like that), but I don’t have any 42 projects completed….
Wow! You’re really cruising right along! The skirt and sock are just lovely. 🙂 I’ve been dying to know how the Pomatomus socks are coming. Have you finished them yet or did you run out of yarn? Let me know!
You’ve only been knitting for a year? WOW!! You are very brave to tackle so many different project types so quickly. Obviusly you have a knitter’s soul.
Very hard to decide on which patterns to make when all the models are 83 lbs and 6 ft tall.