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The Spring Clean Continues

I have nearly completed the eternal sweater for my hubby. I have the front and back sections complete, the shoulder seams joined and the ribbing added to the neck. All I have left to do is add the ribbing to the armholes and seam up the side. I will be so relieved to get this thing off the needles. I am officially tired of burgundy …and squares…and sweaters…and maybe even my hubby. Why on earth did I marry a man who is 6’4″? Or more appropriately why on Earth did I decide to knit for a man who is 6’4″? It’s like knitting an afghan with armholes. Hope he enjoys this one because there may not be another one. I will save the photo for the completed sweater.

Next up on the Spring Clean is Miss Emerald’s scarf (which is about to get frogged and redesigned) and Rose’s guest towels. I also have 4 pair of socks that are languishing away in the project bag.

I have hit a roadblock with Pomatomus. I have nearly finished the first one and I am having SERIOUS doubts as to whether I will have enough yarn to complete the second one – please, don’t lecture me on the virtues of toe up socks. I think I am going to start the other sock before I go any farther on the first one.

Green Leaves, knit with my very first hand dyed yarn, is a really nice pattern. I am torn between finishing this as the pattern is written or ripping back and repeating the leaf pattern on the back of the sock too. This sock got pushed to the back of the bag in favor of Lozenge socks for my hubby.

The Lozenge socks have taught me that I do not like knitting black fingering weight yarn. The pattern is really not difficult but I have spent more time ripping this sock than any sock I have knitted. I haven’t figured out how I keep messing it up. I think I have a mental block about it because of the black yarn and for someone else and is keeping me from knitting the socks I really want to be knitting.

I also have a pair of 2 socks on 2 circs knit in Magic Stripes. This pair never gets any longer because I keep ripping and starting over in a new stitch pattern. Currently, I am knitting Dublin Bay but I don’t think I am happy with the combination between striping yarn and pattern. It is odd. I really like the colors but I am not happy with the way it looks knitted. I am thinking that I may want to switch to another pattern – maybe a Mock Cable.

With only 9 days to go before the start of summer, I am going to have to kick up the knitting a notch if I am going to complete my Spring Cleaning in Spring. Wish me luck. I promise some knitting photos in the next post.