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SO What have you got OTN?

I spent the weekend at home sick – just a cold; nothing serious. But it was one of those weekends where we had several events to attend. So I sent my family to make the obligatory appearances at said events and I had the house all to myself. Ah, solitude!!!
During that much needed solitude, I had time to do a little bit of uninterrupted knitting.

First I worked on this sock that I am test knitting

It’s called Green Leaves. This is the first lace repeat. I didn’t get very far on this one because the k3togtbl requires a bit of concentration – something that is hard to do with a raging fever. I also kept fretting over the light spots in my yarn – my very first attempt at hand dyeing yarn. The experience has given me a new respect for those who can actually do this well. Mine is pretty sad. I will probably redye it after I complete the knitting.

Frustrated with the leaves, I worked on the these-HAVE-to-be-finished-by-dh’s- birthday socks for a little while.

but the black yarn combined with the Size 0 needles were hard on my feverish eyes in my poorly lit bedroom. I would have gone outside into the sunshine but my bed wasn’t there. This one also got pushed aside.

So I decided I should learn how to knit on two circular needles. I have been wanting to try this technique for a while.

Familiar sock pattern, worsted weight yarn. This should have been the perfect thing for sick therapeutic knitting. Unfortunately, I kept tangling my yarn and the constant fidgeting with the needles got on my nerves so this one got stuffed back into the knitting bag too.
[Just so you know, these socks are not intended as a pair. Since I didn’t know how to knit two at once and since I really didn’t want to divide and rewind a skein of yarn, I decided to knit two different color socks at the same time rather than the matching pair.]

Finally, I decided to pull out the sock that has been patiently waiting for me to finish knitting boring manly socks for my dh.

Dear Pomatomus, how I have missed you. At last, sock knitting peace. I managed to get 10 rows of the lace repeat done before the family came barging in on me. Oh well, all good things must come to an end.

At the end of the day I realized that I have 5 pair of socks OTN and I am itching to cast on another Cookie A sock. Am I crazy?!? Do any of you have that many socks OTN at one time??


  1. Anonymous says:

    I love your Pomatomus! Also love your green leaves. I need to bribe DS to set up a blog for me, but DS and DH think the worst blogs are ones that talk about knitting and/or yarn! I believe I have only 4 socks OTN. 2 of them are Falling Leaves from Knitty, but in different colors. Does that count as a second pair? I almost started another pair today but I decided I MUST use self restraint. Most of my WIPs are for our Church bazaar in Oct, so I have plenty of time, right? Happy knitting.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I love your Pomatomus! Also love your green leaves. I need to bribe DS to set up a blog for me, but DS and DH think the worst blogs are ones that talk about knitting and/or yarn! I believe I have only 4 socks OTN. 2 of them are Falling Leaves from Knitty, but in different colors. Does that count as a second pair? I almost started another pair today but I decided I MUST use self restraint. Most of my WIPs are for our Church bazaar in Oct, so I have plenty of time, right? Happy knitting.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I love your Pomatomus! Also love your green leaves. I need to bribe DS to set up a blog for me, but DS and DH think the worst blogs are ones that talk about knitting and/or yarn! I believe I have only 4 socks OTN. 2 of them are Falling Leaves from Knitty, but in different colors. Does that count as a second pair? I almost started another pair today but I decided I MUST use self restraint. Most of my WIPs are for our Church bazaar in Oct, so I have plenty of time, right? Happy knitting.

  4. Deborah (a.k.a. Mt. Mom) says:

    Hi, Tabitha!
    I have 3 socks OTN currently, an all time high for me as far as socks. I *like* the slight irregularities in your green dye job. I’m even planning to do something similar (Kool-Aid &/or other food-coloring for over-dye)and hope mine turns out as nice.
    I also think the yarn colorway you’re using for your Pomatomus looks particularly “fishy”!
    Glad you’re feeling better.

  5. Deborah (a.k.a. Mt. Mom) says:

    Hi, Tabitha!
    I have 3 socks OTN currently, an all time high for me as far as socks. I *like* the slight irregularities in your green dye job. I’m even planning to do something similar (Kool-Aid &/or other food-coloring for over-dye)and hope mine turns out as nice.
    I also think the yarn colorway you’re using for your Pomatomus looks particularly “fishy”!
    Glad you’re feeling better.

  6. Deborah (a.k.a. Mt. Mom) says:

    Hi, Tabitha!
    I have 3 socks OTN currently, an all time high for me as far as socks. I *like* the slight irregularities in your green dye job. I’m even planning to do something similar (Kool-Aid &/or other food-coloring for over-dye)and hope mine turns out as nice.
    I also think the yarn colorway you’re using for your Pomatomus looks particularly “fishy”!
    Glad you’re feeling better.

  7. Tabitha says:

    Well, N Maria there are a lot of things I can’t do. I can’t sing, can’t draw, can’t restrain myself in a yarn store and I can’t seem to control my self with socks. I have a sixth pair cast OTN. I am almost finished knitting a pair of slipper socks for my MIL – big yarn + big needles = fast knit. Details on those later. Thanks everyone for the kind words.

  8. Tabitha says:

    Well, N Maria there are a lot of things I can’t do. I can’t sing, can’t draw, can’t restrain myself in a yarn store and I can’t seem to control my self with socks. I have a sixth pair cast OTN. I am almost finished knitting a pair of slipper socks for my MIL – big yarn + big needles = fast knit. Details on those later. Thanks everyone for the kind words.

  9. Becky says:

    I currently have three pair OTN, but am itching to cast on more. I have to finish one of my current pair, though so I can use the needles for the pattern I want.

  10. Becky says:

    I currently have three pair OTN, but am itching to cast on more. I have to finish one of my current pair, though so I can use the needles for the pattern I want.

  11. Kristin says:

    I keep a ton of socks otn at all times … and i still only have 3 finished pairs… 🙂 I’m trying the two socks on two circs and it’s going SOOO Slow…. so way to go for getting as far as you have on those!!!! 4-5 hours of mine just got the cuff done… and its just about an inch 🙂 Hope you feel better!

  12. Kristin says:

    I keep a ton of socks otn at all times … and i still only have 3 finished pairs… 🙂 I’m trying the two socks on two circs and it’s going SOOO Slow…. so way to go for getting as far as you have on those!!!! 4-5 hours of mine just got the cuff done… and its just about an inch 🙂 Hope you feel better!

  13. Steel City Knitter says:

    I only have two pair OTN right now, which is not generally like me, but I’ve been working on alot of things for classes right now too.

    What is it with men and boring socks? I’m working on plain gray stockingette stitch socks for my dh right now and I could just puke gray right now I’m so sick of them.

  14. Steel City Knitter says:

    I only have two pair OTN right now, which is not generally like me, but I’ve been working on alot of things for classes right now too.

    What is it with men and boring socks? I’m working on plain gray stockingette stitch socks for my dh right now and I could just puke gray right now I’m so sick of them.

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