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Traveling Socks

Just a few sock photos to share. I stole borrowed this idea from someone on the socknitters group (sorry but I do not remember which one of you 10,000 socknitters it was). She said that to avoid the DSSS (Dreaded Second Sock Syndrome) she cast on two socks onto two sets of dpns and them knit them alternately. So far I have not really had problems with the DSSS but this pair will definitely be the one since the first one seems eternal.

I really like the rib in this pattern but it is a bit monotonous to knit and I could swear that it shrinks as you are knitting it. After knitting for what seemed like forever on the cuff, I measured to see if I had the commanded 8 inches of cuff – nope only four. I knitted for 3-5 yearsa few more minutes and measured again – four and 1/16 inches. So I knitted for another century and a half still more minutes and it still measured less than 4 1/2 inches. The only logical conclusion that I can reach is that this sock is either shrinking or some evil wizard had put a spell on it causing my sock cuff to unknit itself when I am not watching. I wanted to actually complete these as a matching pair since they are for a gift. So I decided to try out knitting the second sock alternately with the first one. Sure hope it works. That birthday bag is going to be rather empty if I don’t finish either sock.

In other sock news, inspired by the exploits of the Yarn Harlot’s traveling sock, I decided to take my sock to the museum yesterday. He seemed to enjoy the visit – especially the Native American footwear exhibit.
Here he is back at home relaxing after the trip

Patterns Top-Madder Rib Sock and Bottom-Gentleman’s Sock with Lozenge Pattern. Both from Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush
Yarns: Top-KnitPicks Dancing Two Step colorway; Bottom-Jang Lawoll Basic Black

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