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Pomatomus – Second round

Here is my progress after the second trip through the lace chart – still loving this yarn. One more round of the leg chart and I will be ready for the heel. My progress has been slow because my knitting time has been very limited lately. Don’t you hate it when life interferes with knitting?? I have also been going a little slower on this sock because it is a booger to rip so I am taking it slow and easy so that I don’t make mistakes. I am also progressing slowly on the Madder Rib. It is a bit monotonous so I can’t do much of it at one time. And I am also working on a surprise sock for my dh’s birthday. Don’t tell him though!!


  1. GrammiePammie says:

    Stumbled onto your blog through Briley’s site and am fascinated with your Pomatomas pattern. I don’t knit socks-I knit afghan squares BUT was wondering if that pattern is available to use, somewhere, to try to make a 7″ x 7″ square (or at least try!).
    Thanks, your blog is very interesting!

  2. GrammiePammie says:

    Stumbled onto your blog through Briley’s site and am fascinated with your Pomatomas pattern. I don’t knit socks-I knit afghan squares BUT was wondering if that pattern is available to use, somewhere, to try to make a 7″ x 7″ square (or at least try!).
    Thanks, your blog is very interesting!

  3. Tabitha says:

    Sadly Pomatomus has had to languish in the knitting bag waiting patiently for me to finish the socks for my dh’s birthday surprise. The good news is that I will probably finish the first pair of birthday socks tonight – the Madder Rib socks. Once I finish them I will be able to work on Pomatomus alternately with his second pair – the Lozenge pattern sock.

  4. Tabitha says:

    Sadly Pomatomus has had to languish in the knitting bag waiting patiently for me to finish the socks for my dh’s birthday surprise. The good news is that I will probably finish the first pair of birthday socks tonight – the Madder Rib socks. Once I finish them I will be able to work on Pomatomus alternately with his second pair – the Lozenge pattern sock.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Did you ever get these particular socks finished? I’d love to see how you did on them.
    Liz-aka anonymous

  6. Anonymous says:

    Did you ever get these particular socks finished? I’d love to see how you did on them.
    Liz-aka anonymous

  7. Anonymous says:

    How do you know which one is left and which one is right? Do you have to do it in reverse?
    The socks are going to look nice when you get them finished.

  8. Anonymous says:

    How do you know which one is left and which one is right? Do you have to do it in reverse?
    The socks are going to look nice when you get them finished.

  9. Diane says:

    Yes I hate it when life gets in the way of knitting. Everything should stop whenever we want to knit.

  10. Diane says:

    Yes I hate it when life gets in the way of knitting. Everything should stop whenever we want to knit.

  11. Diane says:

    Yes I hate it when life gets in the way of knitting. Everything should stop whenever we want to knit.

  12. Shelley says:

    The socks are looking great! I really love the colours you’re using for them – so pretty!

  13. Shelley says:

    The socks are looking great! I really love the colours you’re using for them – so pretty!

  14. Shelley says:

    The socks are looking great! I really love the colours you’re using for them – so pretty!

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