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Fog is the phenomenon where clouds rest on the earth surrounding everything in cottony white and giving a soft, misty glow to large things but hiding the small often unsightly things. This morning my home was blanketed in fog, giving everything in my yard an ethereal quality. Fog adds a mysterious and alluring quality to the most mundane things but at the same time it obscures our vision. So while beautiful, fog can be quite treacherous.

Sometimes, our spiritual life becomes blanketed in fog. We get so distracted by the beauties and duties of this world, that we are distracted from the real dangers that await along the way. We can crash into sins we couldn’t see or get lost in the fog. Much like Peter in Matthew 14:23-32 who started sinking when he took his eyes off Jesus to notice the storms around him, we too can lose sight of our spiritual goals. This is one of our enemy’s most powerful tools. If Satan can keep us dazzled by the ephemeral beauties of this world or disoriented by its problems and obligations, we will not be properly focused on our true goal – eternal life. Furthermore, when he surrounds us with the fog of life, we may not see the dangers that lie ahead of us. He can line our path with any number of snares that we might not see until it is too late. Is it any surprise that the hero in the scary movies is always trying to escape that villain on a foggy night?

So, in this especially beautiful but extremely busy time of the year, we must make it our daily goal to stay focused on the things that are truly important. We must constantly and earnestly strive to make eternity a priority even in the fog of the holiday rush. We should continue “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2 NASV) through daily Bible study and prayer. Finding time for God will never be a problem if we are properly focused on our true home.

“…but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. “– Philippians 3:13-14