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At the risk of complaining, today is a gloomy day. It is cold, windy, rainy and gray. I am very thankful for the rain since we have been in drought conditions most of the summer. But days like today make me feel sad and grouchy; they seem to sap my strength. They can be downright depressing. But occasionally, today I have been greeted by a small glimpse of the sun peeking through the thick, gray clouds. I have embraced those rays of sunshine with immense joy – basking in the warmth and light. I know that we desperately need the rain but still those brief moments of sunshine have greatly elevated my mood and made the day seem just a little less depressing. Thank you Lord for the tiny flashes of sunshine amidst the gloom to remind me of a better place.

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.– Revelation 21:23