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The Challenge (Day two)

We survived yesterday without visiting the grocery store. And so far so good today. We had eggs with left over rice for breakfast, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for lunch and for supper we are having chili. If you need a quick meal, my recipe for Almost Instant Clean-out-the-Fridge Vegetarian Chili can be found here

I ended up with a bag of tortilla chips that were left from after the visitation meeting we had at church Sunday that will make a good side dish for the chili. It has been a bit cool here today so the chili will be especially nice.

I have been knitting furiously trying to finish my pair of socks for October. If I miss this month’s deadline it will be the first month all year when I have not completed at least one pair of socks. Tomorrow midnight is the deadline for SAM-4. So I better stop blogging and get busy knitting!!